As the community grows and demands more from the masjid it is the responsibility of the board and community to develop a plan for growth and expansion. It is our goal to make the masjid a comfortable and welcoming environment that fosters all types of growth as well as to provide the community with opportunities and events that bring us together and help us make the muslim voice heard.
In this effort by the grace and blessings of Allah, the Islamic Community Center of Gainesville has purchased a property adjacent to the existing masjid in August 2020.
Currently the property is used to generate rental income for the maintenance of the Masjid.
However, in future there are many possibilities for this space that will be considered:
· It could be used as a Rec Center for the youth in our community and UF Students,
· It could be used to house a full-time Imam/Director when hired by the Masjid
· Or it could be used to increase parking capacity.
The property was purchased for $425k in August 2020.
Currently, we have an outstanding loan of $40k.
Please consider donating and helping us pay off the loan.
Please give whatever you can: $1, $5, $20 or more. Every dollar helps. Even if you cannot give money, please make dua for this cause.
There are several ways to donate.
1. On the donate page of the website, Donate | ICCG (
scan the QR code using the Paypal app and pay with credit/debit card.
2. Click the Donate button above and pay with credit/debit card/paypal account.
3. Write a check out to ICCG or Islamic Community Center of Gainesville and mailing to 1010 W. University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. Jazakallah Khair!